3 Daily Mindsets for the Successful Entrepreneur

  1.  Think Big: How do you get your ‘flow’ or your ‘mojo’? I get mine when I spend time in nature while listening to inspiring music (preferably from the 80s!) and dancing. I also love to walk for about an hour to an awesome playlist: I pray, I sing at the top of my voice and I remove all thoughts of limitations and barriers. It energizes me and gets my creative juices flowing. So find what works for you and do it. If you can get some well-needed exercise while you are at it then even better.  

  2. Seek out Differences: Are your stakeholders and advisors homogenous— culturally, or racially?  Look at the people who are speaking into your business. Are they all like you? If they are, start to actively change it. The success of your business depends on it. Consider age, gender, experiences, industry. Look deep and wide. Now fix it.

    We know that differences in experiences, thoughts and ideas are required for innovation – new ways of solving problems and new ways of delivering successful results. This is a fact.  

  3. Believe in Your ‘Why’: This month my son bought a bracelet for me from the  Bermudian business ‘Satori Notes Jewellery’ that recently  blew up on Instagram https://www.satorinotes.com/collections/custom-collection . Satori Notes designs jewellery with ‘inexpressible feelings” - love it!  

    The inscription on my bracelet says, ‘Remember your Why”. I must always remember ‘why I do what I do ‘.  Here is the bottom-line: People buy your ‘Why’ not your ‘What’. My ‘why’ is to develop next generation leaders through coaching and leadership training solutions. Get clear about your ‘why’ and let your customers or clients know it and believe it!  Remember, They are buying you – not your product or service. 

Being a successful entrepreneur is not for wimps. That’s why not everyone does it. So, see what you can do in these 3 ways to up your game and stay on target. When those tough days come – and they will— it’s your why that will fuel you with the grit you need to keep persisting and believing when the reality does not seem to bear it out.


Words of Encouragement


Work Life Collision